Melvin Browne Melvin Browne

DBQ Hosts Annual Loud 100 Show

On Saturday, February 4th, DBQ Magazine held their annual LOUD 100 SHOW at Harlem’s Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Each year, DBQ releases their LOUD 100 List commemorating 100 LGBT individuals of color across different disciplines, ranging from music, modeling, comedy, acting, to activism. Familiar faces on the list included Frank Ocean, RuPaul, Laverne Cox, Samira Wiley, William Jackson, Jussie Smollet, among many more talented individuals. In attendance were Dominique Jackson, DaShawn Usher, Marsha Bonner, and Melvin Brown. Honorees were given a single red rose, marking their contributions to their society and the LGBT community overall. Later in the evening, there was also a screening of EXPOSED, a micro film series that featured numerous individuals living with HIV. Learn more about this incredible series at

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